Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Month 2, Part 2

Warning: this post is ridiculously tardy and excessively detailed and long! Here is the 2nd half of Charlie's and Bruno's 2nd month in the world, starting with an all-time favorite...

Milk Vampire

Jan 20: Bruno is a Milk Vampire, as evidenced by this chilling photograph.

Opa can get them to sleep on their bellies, indeed something to be proud of.
Jan 21

Charlie looking at Bruno... but does he see him?  Jan 24

"Hallo Papa" and Charlie at the playground!  Jan 24

Always one of them fussing!  Jan 24

FaceTime with Ambroses on Jan 28

Bruno is patient with his sleeping brother (Jan 28)

Reciprocal sneezing, LOL!  Jan 29

Hi from the parents.  Jan 29

Jan 29: Fun Ways To Arrange Twins

First Public Appearance: CCRi Lobby, Jan 31

Modern Economy

This has almost nothing to do with babies, but I can't resist.
The tweezers actually are precise, believe it or not.

Grandpa with beautiful little Charlie, Feb 5.

Hyperactive parents check out every aspect of their babies' development, Feb 5.

Feb 5: it must have actually been cold that day!

Milo wants you to know that he can be as good a baby as anyone.

Feb 9: just, you know, getting around with our gear.

Lazy Morning in Bed, Feb 8

Feb 10-11

Feb 10

Feb 10 -- a favorite of Mama's

Feb 10 -- a favorite of Papa's

 Hallo from Papa on Feb 11

Oma and Opa love Charlie and Bruno

Feb 11: Visit from Aunt Steph and Uncle Matt

They showed us great tips on how to entertain your baby.

Birthday Glamor Shots

On the occasion of their 2-month birthday on Feb 11.

And with that, we bid you goodbye until the Month 3 update, which will feature the boys' first road trips...