Sunday, December 11, 2016


Well, Katy was still at 7cm when Dr. Pettit and company came by.  Continuing with the Pitocin would increase the risk of Katy having too much bleeding during the birth.  So, we decided we'd better change the plans and have a C-section.  Dr. Pettit explained what we should expect and answered Katy's questions patiently.  One good thing that we didn't know is that they will likely only have to cut skin, fascia, and the uterus itself -- they expect to be able to leave stomach muscle intact, just pulling it out of the way.

Now there is a lot of rushing about as Katy and the anesthesiologist and the OBs get ready.  I get to be there and stand by Katy during the whole thing.  We feel like we're in the best of hands, but if you want to... wish us luck!


  1. Good luck to you both!! This sounds like a safe option, and hopefully you can both snuggle with the babies right away.
