Sunday, December 11, 2016


The evening went slowly but surely.  They slowly increased the Pitocin dosage, and Katy's contractions most surely intensified.  We watched all of Episode V (on and off between trips to the bathroom and attempts to get comfortable).  Around 10p, tonight's chief resident came by and found that Katy is 5cm dilated.  We began talking about when might be the best time to get an epidural.  Katy was getting a little tired from the war against discomfort and from yesterday's short night of sleep.  The resident said she couldn't predict how long it would be before Katy transitioned into active labor.  That was enough to render a decision to get the epidural tonight.  It was a somewhat painful procedure for Katy, but I believe she'd say it was worth it: she is all smiles and tranquility now, and we're looking forward to some good sleep.

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