Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas

Fooled you!  No Christmas photos yet, just catching up.

The last few days have included a wonderful milestone: at the last pediatrician visit, it was determined that the boys have surpassed their birth weights. This has allowed us to shift from strict feeding schedules, as one does with Peking ducks, to feeding when they're hungry, as one does with humans. Not coincidentally, our record-keeping has suffered, so we can no longer tell you exactly how many mL of each type of liquid each baby has ingested in the last N hours.

We've also been bad about taking photos, since we just sit in the dark living room all day feeding babies. But here are some from a few days back:

Charlie (L) and Bruno (R) making pirate faces on Dec 17

Caught with my own camera on Wed Dec 21 6p

On the way to the pediatrician on Sun Dec 18


  1. Love the pirate faces! Have a Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Xmas Charlie and Bruno! Alex Erin Felix Effie

  3. They even wink alike!! So cute. Hope they grow up to be as funny as their dad!!

  4. No pressure, but I'm jonesing for a new update!! 😉
