Thursday, December 15, 2016


After a marathon 24h in which we accomplished 8 full feedings and got the babies' weights to start increasing, we are packing up and preparing to head home.  It is hard to get them fed quickly enough that we can nap before we have to start feeding again!  Luckily, it will get easier as they grow.  Katy's milk is coming in.  I wonder what it will be like to try to do all this in our house!  Thank goodness we have Katy's mom Laura living in, and other family stopping by to help.  More photos etc. later.

Edit: Photos!

The hospital staff kindly stored Boy B's Guinness in their fridge for us.

Packing up

Packing in!  Thanks to Katy's aunt Liz for these handy baby containers.

Moving out!  For safety reasons, C-section patients and neonates are not allowed to walk out.