Monday, December 19, 2016

Here, Take the Baby

A funny thing has been happening to me and Katy. No, I'm not going to ask you to take our babies.

A few nights ago, when I was awoken from delicious sleep in bed for my feeding shift, my first thought was, "Yikes, there's a baby in here, where is it?!" Not to worry, I had left both babies downstairs. This began happening to me every time I woke up.

Yesterday, I woke up together with Katy. Her first words were, "Is there a baby on me?" (Not to worry, we left them downstairs with Grandma!)

This morning, she stretched her hand out to me and said, "Here, take the baby." At that point I decided that something is definitely going on here.

We hear about all sorts of instincts that are built into us and the babies to promote their survival. Well, here, it seems, is one we did not know was coming!


  1. Liz and I each hear "phantom baby noises" when the baby is soundly sleeping in another room (or any time at all, really). Sometimes we even hear something at the same time, prompting a discussion about whether or not the dryer buzz / dishwasher / wind / silence sounds like a baby crying when we're both trying to sleep.

    We're just going crazy. Sleep depravation attack by the infant ... devious.

  2. I totally experienced the phantom baby thing with Esme, waking up every time and flailing my arms in bed, sure that she was next to me about to be smothered when in fact she was safe in her crib. Sadly, no such reflex with Aron. Poor second children!

  3. Hello! Friend of the Ambrose family here :) I am loving the blog and your precious boys! Alan and I have noticed this same effect with our newborn, every time one of us wakes the other to take a shift, it starts with this! I usually say, "can you take the baby off me?" when I get woken up and Alan usually says, "where's the baby?! Do I have him?" Lol
